Olympia Pest Management Stinging Insects Get A Free Quote

Olympia Stinging Insect Pest Management

Stay Protected in Thurston County & Surrounding Areas


Olympia Pest Management is the team you need to protect your home from wasps and yellow jackets that can sting you or your family and cause an allergic reaction. Our dedicated stinging insect pest management in Olympia reduces the number of insects around your home. 

If these pests never seem to disappear, consider our quarterly maintenance service covering yellow jackets, paper wasps, bald-faced hornets, and much more. Our professionals are quality pro and green pro certified because we won’t quit until we get the job done right.

You can contact us today at (360) 819-1230 to learn more about how we offer individualized pest solutions!

Stinging Insect Prevention and Removal in Olympia

Natural repellents like eucalyptus, peppermint, and citronella oils are best used to prevent these insects, not to remove them during an active infestation. You can mix these oils with water and spray them around your home or use these plants as décor and prevention methods. 

Please note, however, that many essential oils can be harmful to pets, so consult your veterinarian before choosing this option. It’s also essential to remove the things that attract these pests, like floral or sweet-scented body sprays or wearing floral prints. 

Leaving food in the open during outdoor picnics or uncovered trash in your trash cans easily attracts stinging insects. If these pests do nest around your home, it’s essential that you call our professionals for dedicated stinging insect pest management in Olympia. Wasps and yellow jackets can become even more aggressive if they feel threatened, so avoid swatting at them or their nests.

Professional Bald-Faced Hornet Nest Removal

The bald-faced hornet is actually a cousin of the wasp. These aggressive insects suspend their nest above the ground in the eaves of your roof, trees, in sheds, or other elevated places. You may notice these nests or worker hornets flying around when you have an infestation. 

When it comes to a hornet's nest, never try to remove them yourself. Instead, protect yourself from painful stings by calling in a professional. Our team can examine the infestation then safely remove the nest without any threat to you and your family. Because these insects are so aggressive, they will attack anything that enters their space and they can sting multiple times since their stinger does not fall off. 

Count on Olympia Pest Management to help you take back your yard so you can once again enjoy the outdoors without the threat of attack. 

Proactive Wasp Nest Prevention Tips

Preventing wasps from building nests on your property is a proactive approach to minimizing the likelihood of a wasp infestation. 

Here are some steps you can take to discourage wasps from nesting on your property:

  • Seal potential entry points: Inspect your home and property for any gaps, cracks, or openings that could serve as entry points for wasps. Seal these openings with caulk or use weather-stripping as needed.
  • Keep doors and windows closed: Make sure doors and windows are kept closed or have tight-fitting screens to prevent wasps from entering your home.
  • Maintain your property: Regularly inspect your property for signs of wasp activity and nests. If you see any nests, take appropriate action to remove them (preferably by a professional).
  • Clean outdoor eating areas: Wasps are attracted to food scraps and sweet drinks. Keep outdoor eating areas clean by promptly cleaning up food and drink spills.
  • Use covered trash cans: Ensure that your outdoor trash cans have tight-fitting lids to prevent wasps from foraging for food scraps.
  • Avoid bright colors and floral patterns: Wasps are attracted to bright colors and floral patterns, so consider using more muted or solid-colored outdoor decor.
  • Keep fruit and flowers picked: If you have fruit trees or flowering plants on your property, regularly pick ripe fruit and remove dead or wilted flowers to reduce attractants.
  • Properly store food and drinks: When picnicking or dining outdoors, keep food and drinks covered until you're ready to consume them.
  • Install wasp traps: You can place commercially available wasp traps or bait stations around your property to capture foraging wasps. Be sure to place them away from gathering areas.
  • Reduce standing water: Wasps are also attracted to water sources. Empty or cover containers that collect standing water, as this can attract wasps looking for hydration.
  • Plant deterrents: Consider planting plants that deter wasps, such as mint, eucalyptus, and wormwood. These plants can help repel wasps from your garden.
  • Keep outdoor lights off: Avoid leaving outdoor lights on at night, as lights can attract insects, which in turn attract wasps.
  • Maintain eaves and rooflines: Regularly inspect and maintain eaves, overhangs, and rooflines for any signs of wasp activity or nests. Remove nests promptly and safely.
  • Educate your family: Make sure everyone in your household knows how to identify wasp nests and what to do if they encounter one. Safety should always be a top priority.

Taking these preventive measures can significantly reduce the chances of wasps building nests on your property and help keep your outdoor spaces more enjoyable.

Safe Wasp Nest Removal in Olympia - Call Us Now!


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  • Same-Day Services Often Available
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  • Family Owned & Operated

The Difference Between Paper Wasps & Yellow Jackets

It’s crucial that you can tell the difference between these pests so we can protect your home correctly. Both of these pests are yellow and black, but they have some identifying characteristics.

Paper wasps have slender, segmented bodies with orange-tipped antennae. They dangle their long legs when they fly and make nests that resemble honeycombs. These nests are often built around eaves or lawn furniture. Paper wasps do very little pollination, so they usually feed on discarded fruits looking for nectar. They also usually avoid humans unless their nest is disturbed; then, they can sting repeatedly. Due to their docile nature and the benefits they provide for nature, we recommend against treatment for paper wasps. 

Like paper wasps, yellow jackets are yellow and black, but they have thicker bodies and black antennae. They tuck their legs under their bodies when they fly. Their nests have a single opening and are often underground or in walls to protect the hive. They’re known as picnic pests because they’re attracted to protein and sweet liquids instead of flowers. Yellow jackets are more aggressive than paper wasps because they will sting unprovoked and attack in swarms if their nest is threatened.

Olympia Pest Management has years of experience protecting our communities from pests. Our expert stinging insect pest management in Olympia helps protect your home and family from these dangerous pests. We know there’s no one size fits all solution, so we always individualize our treatment plans. Consider our quarterly maintenance plans for treatment every season for recurring pest issues.

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Contact our team today at (360) 819-1230 to learn more about how we can reduce safe spaces for pests in your home!


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